Monday, March 12, 2012

What's the best way to start a fire in the wilderness?

Gather up small twigs off the ground and place them at the bottom of the firepit. Then get some bigger twigs and stack them in the shape of a teepee.Light it.What's the best way to start a fire in the wilderness?
light a match, and hold it to a dry bush, but don't try this at home
bring a HOT date....What's the best way to start a fire in the wilderness?
Light a match and fart.
douse yourself in kerosene and light a match.
a lighter
Grab two ice cubes, rub them together to cause friction and heat. May take up to 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,鈥?ice cubes. Knock yourself out.
A bottle of camping fuel and some matches. I know from experience.
Look for a Boy Scout manual, used at Salvation Army thrift shop or Goodwill, and they teach you how. It takes practice.

As a practical matter, I used to break off a small piece of an artificial fire log, and if it was rainy, and the Boy Scouts were cold, I whipped out that small piece, which is sort of wax and sawdust, and used if for a fast start.

If it was like 20 below zero, I would take small cans sold at sporting goods stores, and light it, it was a fast start. I just build a fire over it after I lit it, sacrificing it to the cause, and let the can and all burn up.

But, Boy Scouts for advancement have to light fires with matches, not gas; not paraffin; not Coleman fuel; not fire logs. it is part of the Scout training plan to develop leadership and confidence in the woods.
pi-roe's know the answer.
Ya can't start a fire...

Ya can't start a fire without a spark...

Bruce Springsteen.


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