Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What are the chances of a healthy man surviving in an encounter with a lone hungry wolf in the wilderness?

Wolves weights around 70-135 pounds.What are the chances of a healthy man surviving in an encounter with a lone hungry wolf in the wilderness?
If the man faces the wolf down and doesn't turn and run, he would have a very good chance of surviving. A lone wolf would have to be either rabid or truly desperate to attempt an attack on a man. If it was going to try and take down a human it would go first for a child, then a woman. Predators always go for the easiest targets.

The famed "Beast of Gevaudan" (which is now believed by many experts to be a wolf dog mix) attacked almost 200 people, most of which were women and children. This happened in 1800's France.

A few years ago in Canada there was an incident where a man was walking alone in the woods about a mile from his place of work. He was apparently accosted by two wolves, and at some point he panicked and ran. Of course they caught up to him, killed him and fed off his corpse. Running from such a predator indicates weakness and would be the worst thing to do.

If a man shouted, swung his arms (or a big stick if he could grab one) and stood his ground the wolf would most likely conclude that he was too strong and aggressive to attempt to kill. This advice is also given to people who might have the chance of running across mountain lions.

But, if the wolf still attacked, it is quite possible he would be killed, at the very least seriosly mauled.
The weight of a lone hungry wolf is irrelevant. If its hungry its going to try its hardest to get a meal and if you are the meal then you have a very slim chance of survival.What are the chances of a healthy man surviving in an encounter with a lone hungry wolf in the wilderness?
His chances are excellent....... as long as he has a gun !
depends what the man has on him and his experience with both animals and the woods...if the wolf is starved and hunting for food, and goes after the guy, my money would be on the wolf. i know it would over take me no problem.
I guess that would depend on how hungry the man was...ha ha...

No, really...there is no real way to tell, there are to many factors...A lone wolf is not as good at hunting as a pack, but a hungry one or one who has been upset in some way, or perhaps sick would be more on a rampage than if they were normal.

Plus, is the man smart or is it a "city boy", I know many country boys who could outsmart any wolf and I know many city boys that would be killed by a big rat...ha ha
A lone wolf might not be as brave as a wolf in a pack, but it's hunger would make it desperate and dangerous. Your odds of surviving would depend a lot on what you have with you. A large knife or a good solid stick could help a great deal.
deeps on if that guy want to live...and what he will do 2 stay alive...
Read Call of the Wild.
Wolves do not attack humans as a practice.

Wolves have been known to assist children and dumb bells who have gotten themselves stranded in the wilderness.

A wolf would rather share your roast rabbit. Or five.
His chances are great...
Unless the wolf was rabid, the man's chances are excellent, given that there is no record of a healthy wolf ever attacking a human (accounts of 'wolf attacks' from the past can be attributed to rabid wolves, wolf-dog hybrids, and feral dogs). Wolves are certainly strong enough to kill a human, but they are shy animals with an innate fear of man (perhaps due to centuries of persecution). It's highly unlikely that a lone wolf would come anywhere near a human in the first place - its natural instinct would be to run in the opposite direction - but if the two did stumble on each other, the man would only have to shout and wave his arms to frighten the wolf away.
Excellent. In all of recorded history, no non-rabid wild wolf has ever attacked a human being. Feral dogs are statistically much more dangerous.

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