Friday, March 9, 2012

What food can I survive on in the wilderness ?

4 Weeks without food, water, shelter, or anything. Any suggestions ?What food can I survive on in the wilderness ?
You can easily survive on fish if your close to a river or a ND and there are fish in it. Just get some bark off of a tree start and fire surrounded by rocks (so u don't start a forest fire). Then pack a light layer of mud on the bottom then find some big leaves. make sure they aren't poisonous. Put the leaves over the mud cut the fish open and clean the meat and everything then put the fish on the leaves. Put leaves over the fish then pack mud over it. Let cook about 35 to 45 minutes. Eat and Enjoy. If you cant find fish try to find nonpoisonous berries. If you drink the pond water always boil it to kill any bugs or disease in the water drink warm. that way all diseases are dead .
berries, some mushrooms, some bark.

make a shelter out of fallen wood!

find a near spring/brook/river for water [also for fishing!!]What food can I survive on in the wilderness ?
I have done this type of survival skill training and you don't tell us enough to give you any good advice. I would need to know where you are going to be, what time of year, is water available, what else you are allowed to bring, etc.
The Army Ranger handbook says "anything that walks, crawls, or flies is edible". This includes bugs, but stay away from most plants.
Rabbits and snakes. Kill 'em with your hands.
um you need water so you can make a water jug from wood or rocks with dips in them or animal hides work well too but they have to be dried out first. Twigs berries and certain foliage. no red berries unless they are raspberries, there is another but I can't think of the name, they are similar to blueberries. Black berries and blue berries too. morrel mushrooms and shantrels are edible as well. You can google survivor methods. or better yet watch survivor man. That guy had been thru some tough situations.
i would need to know what type of environment you would be subjected to
As a couple people previous said, modify your question to include some specifics about where and when. I will check later. Also, you can always follow the previously mentioned Ranger addage about walks, crawls, or flies. Add swims also.
I you try to go four weeks without water, you'll die. You can probably live off your stores of body fat for four weeks if you don't exert yourself. Without shelter if it's cold or you get too wet you could get hypothermia and can die.

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