Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So tell ,in full ,why they got rid of the wilderness in RuneScape?

So tell ,in full ,why they got rid of the wilderness in RuneScape?

I've been told several times, why they took the wildy away. For example real world trading? But i dont see where the wildy comes in there?So tell ,in full ,why they got rid of the wilderness in RuneScape?
Okay, real world traders were starting to run out of options, so they took advantage of the wildy death, and carried the itmes they sold with them, and had the person they sold it to kill them to get it, so Jagex saw this and took action, for me, pking was a past-time, as I abby pked when I was bored (amassed 417 glories go me). The wildy removal caused the biggest source of income in rs to dissapear. Which is why some prices are so shaky. The rwt were running out of options as duels were gone, then the trade update hit. THen Jagex gave them the ol' 1 2 ko with the wildy removal and gravestones.

EDIT: Response to her ^ yes they know you can still do it in bh, but brining that amount of cash in will pracitcally put a crhistmas tree above you, so it's not practical to do it.
Well now if they took just the trading away and not the wildy, that's how people would scam and trade. But they don't see that people can still do that with Bounty Hunter. At least, I think that's why.So tell ,in full ,why they got rid of the wilderness in RuneScape?
well they didnt take it away you just cant fight other people

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