Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How much wilderness is left in the world?

a. According to Russ Mittermeier, 39% of the earth has fewer than 1

person per square kilometer

b. Excluding Antarctica, only Yo of the earth's land area is wilderness

c. Both a and b

d. There is no wilderness left in the worldHow much wilderness is left in the world?
In Australia (which is about 7500000 sq kilometers) there is about 2.1 people per square kilometer.

I can walk down the end of my street into the bush and by walking off the track for 100 meters or so in any direction there is a fairly good chance I would be the first person in the history of the planet to stand in that spot.

From where I stand there seems to be an awful lot of wilderness.
What do you define as "wilderness"? Sounds very subjective.How much wilderness is left in the world?
Guess you never been to Alaska.

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